ManifoldCF - Developer Resources
Source Code
The source files are stored using Subversion (see and
svn checkout mcf-trunk
A read-only Git hub is also available for those who use Git. The URL for Git is:
Debugging Connections
Sooner or later, you will encounter a repository that should be supported, but doesn't seem to want to connect properly to ManifoldCF. When that happens, you will need all the help you can get. Start here, and if you find a new hint, technique, or trick, don't forget to add it to the page!
Changes List
Current changes list (as of the most recent nightly build) is available here.
Reporting a Bug, Problem, or Feature Request
If you think you've found a problem, or you just have a good idea for an improvement, you can create a JIRA ticket here. You may need to create yourself an account.
Please make every effort to search through the current issues list before creating a new ticket. Your problem might already have been logged!
Making a Contribution
ManifoldCF is always looking for contributions. See the Wiki for details on contributing.
We're also looking for logo ideas. Here are the guidelines.