BasicTokenStream |
Convert a sequence of characters into a stream of tokens.
BreakCommand |
Break command.
CharacterStream |
Convert a Reader into a sequence of characters, while keeping track of line
ContextVariableReference |
Overwritable variable references from within a context.
DELETECommand |
DELETE command.
ErrorCommand |
Error command.
GETCommand |
GET command.
IfCommand |
If command.
InsertCommand |
Insert command.
NewArray |
Class defining the creation of a new array object.
NewConfiguration |
Class defining the creation of a new VariableConfiguration object.
NewConfigurationNode |
Class defining the creation of a new VariableConfigurationNode object.
NewConnectionName |
Class defining the creation of a new Connection Name object.
NewDictionary |
Class defining the creation of a new dictionary object.
NewQueryArgument |
Class defining the creation of a new Query Argument object.
NewURL |
Class defining the creation of a new URL object.
NullVariableReference |
Null variable reference.
POSTCommand |
POST command.
PrintCommand |
Print command.
PUTCommand |
PUT command.
RemoveCommand |
Remove command.
RewindableTokenStream |
Allows a TokenStream to be repeated as long as a sequence start is kept.
ScriptParser |
Class to parse various syntactical parts of a script and execute them.
SetCommand |
Set command.
Token |
VariableArray |
Array variable object.
VariableBase |
Base class for variables.
VariableBoolean |
Variable class representing an integer.
VariableConfiguration |
Variable wrapper for Configuration object.
VariableConfigurationNode |
Variable wrapper for ConfigurationNode object.
VariableConnectionName |
Variable class representing a ManifoldCF API URL connection name segment.
VariableDict |
Array variable object.
VariableFloat |
Variable class representing an integer.
VariableInt |
Variable class representing an integer.
VariableQueryArg |
Variable class representing a ManifoldCF query argument, with a name
and a value.
VariableResult |
Variable class representing the result of an http operation.
VariableString |
Variable class representing an integer.
VariableURL |
Variable class representing a ManifoldCF API URL.
WaitCommand |
Wait command.
WhileCommand |
While command.