Apache > ManifoldCF > Project

Verifying ManifoldCF releases


To verify ManifoldCF releases after version 1.6, you will need OpenPGP, which can be downloaded from here.

Verifying a release

Importing the public keys

Each release comes with a KEYS file. Before you can verify the release artifacts, you must import the KEYS file into OpenPGP.

Start by downloading the KEYS file for the release to your local machine. Be sure that you download this file from an Apache server -- not a mirror, or third-party server, but from www.apache.org itself. If you want, you can also verify that the contents of the KEYS file consists only of public keys that have been registered with various key authorities, such as MIT's.

Next, load the KEYS file into OpenPGP, using a command like this:

gpg --import KEYS

Perform the most basic level of verification by downloading the ASC signature file for the artifact, and then running a command such as this (good for both Windows and Unix):

gpg --verify apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz.asc

Verifying the MD5 signature

To verify the MD5 signature of a release, download the artifact and the MD5 signature file for the artifact, and then run a Unix command such as this:

gpg --print-md MD5 apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz | diff - apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz.md5

On Windows:

gpg --print-md MD5 apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz > capture.md5
fc capture.md5 apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz.md5

No differences will be printed if the signatures agree. If there are differences, then validity of the release cannot be verified.

Verifying an SHA signature

To verify the SHA signature of a release, download the artifact and the SHA signature file for the artifact, and then run a Unix command such as this:

gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz | diff - apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz.sha

On Windows:

gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz > capture.sha
fc capture.sha apache-manifoldcf-X.X.X-src.tar.gz.sha

No differences will be printed if the signatures agree. If there are differences, then validity of the release cannot be verified.