Class ModifiedCloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder

    • Field Detail

      • zkHosts

        protected java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> zkHosts
      • solrUrls

        protected java.util.List<java.lang.String> solrUrls
      • zkChroot

        protected java.lang.String zkChroot
      • shardLeadersOnly

        protected boolean shardLeadersOnly
      • directUpdatesToLeadersOnly

        protected boolean directUpdatesToLeadersOnly
      • parallelUpdates

        protected boolean parallelUpdates
      • stateProvider

        protected org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.ClusterStateProvider stateProvider
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> solrUrls)
        Provide a series of Solr URLs to be used when configuring CloudHttp2SolrClient instances. The solr client will use these urls to understand the cluster topology, which solr nodes are active etc.

        Provided Solr URLs are expected to point to the root Solr path ("http://hostname:8983/solr"); they should not include any collections, cores, or other path components.

        Usage example:

         final List<String> solrBaseUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
         final SolrClient client = new CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder(solrBaseUrls).build();
      • Builder

        public Builder​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> zkHosts,
                       java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> zkChroot)
        Provide a series of ZK hosts which will be used when configuring CloudHttp2SolrClient instances.

        Usage example when Solr stores data at the ZooKeeper root ('/'):

         final List<String> zkServers = new ArrayList<String>();
         final SolrClient client = new CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder(zkServers, Optional.empty()).build();
        Usage example when Solr data is stored in a ZooKeeper chroot:
         final List<String> zkServers = new ArrayList<String>();
         final SolrClient client = new CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder(zkServers, Optional.of("/solr")).build();
        zkHosts - a List of at least one ZooKeeper host and port (e.g. "zookeeper1:2181")
        zkChroot - the path to the root ZooKeeper node containing Solr data. Provide java.util.Optional.empty() if no ZK chroot is used.
    • Method Detail

      • sendDirectUpdatesToShardLeadersOnly

        public ModifiedCloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder sendDirectUpdatesToShardLeadersOnly()
        Tells CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder that created clients should send direct updates to shard leaders only.

        UpdateRequests whose leaders cannot be found will "fail fast" on the client side with a SolrException

      • sendDirectUpdatesToAnyShardReplica

        public ModifiedCloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder sendDirectUpdatesToAnyShardReplica()
        Tells CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder that created clients can send updates to any shard replica (shard leaders and non-leaders).

        Shard leaders are still preferred, but the created clients will fallback to using other replicas if a leader cannot be found.

      • withParallelUpdates

        public ModifiedCloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder withParallelUpdates​(boolean parallelUpdates)
        Tells CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder whether created clients should send shard updates serially or in parallel

        When an UpdateRequest affects multiple shards, CloudHttp2SolrClient splits it up and sends a request to each affected shard. This setting chooses whether those sub-requests are sent serially or in parallel.

        If not set, this defaults to 'true' and sends sub-requests in parallel.

      • withInternalClientBuilder

        public ModifiedCloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder withInternalClientBuilder​(ModifiedHttp2SolrClient.Builder internalClientBuilder)
        If provided, the CloudHttp2SolrClient will build it's internal ModifiedHttp2SolrClient using this builder (instead of the empty default one). Providing this builder allows users to configure the internal clients (authentication, timeouts, etc).
        internalClientBuilder - the builder to use for creating the internal http client.